I use OpenBSD6.1 (on HyperV!) so apologies for OS-specific calls-
- since I have four distinct types of sources I have each type log to LS on a port specific to that type. So all of my Junipers are logging to LS on 5001, my Fortigates on 5002, my Windows Servers on 5000, and my Nutanix Cluster Nodes reporting on 5005. I comment all but one out at a time to isolate the mapping work.
- (assuming LS and ES are on the same box) (and not assuming the current state of the setup) (and assuming you want to start over wherever it is), I wrote the following script to stop LS, clear all the storage and logs for LS and ES, kill any existing mappings in ES and then restart it so that the system is ready to start a new round of mapping work:
[root@noc-05: Fri, Jun-30 10:32PM]
/root/#cat /usr/sbin/stopes
echo "\t\t\t ##### stopping logstash ##### \t\t\t"
rcctl stop logstash
sleep 2
echo "\t\t\t ##### clearing ES mappings ##### \t\t\t"
curl -XPOST 'localhost:9200/.kibana/_update_by_query?pretty&wait_for_completion&refresh' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'{ "script": { "inline": "ctx._source.defaultIndex = null", "lang": "painless" }, "query": { "term": { "_type": "config" } }}'
rcctl stop elasticsearch
sleep 1
echo "\t\t\t ##### clearing ES and LS logs, storage ##### \t\t\t"
rm /var/log/logstash/logstash.log ;touch /var/log/logstash/logstash.log ;chown _logstash:_logstash /var/log/logstash/*;rm -rf /storage/elasticsearch/;rm /var/log/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.log ;touch /var/log/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.log ;chown _elasticsearch:_elasticsearch /var/log/elasticsearch/*
sleep 1
echo "\t\t\t ##### starting ES ##### \t\t\t"
rcctl start elasticsearch
[root@noc-05: Fri, Jun-30 10:32PM]
- For the current source category I'm working with, I pick through my logstash filters for them once again, being sure to not inadvertently introduce a field in two spots with slightly different spellings (equating to two separate fields in ES) like dst-ip and dst_ip.
- I then start logstash with a single device category reporting in
rcctl -d logstash
watch the stuff come in, re-visiting _grokparsefailures, and repeatedly refreshing the index for new field types coming in (whether dynamically if you still have that on, or a manually defined field simply hasn't seen a log come in that triggers it's use). Some dynamically-mapped errors are ES's fault- others are because you are using the wrong UTF (8 vs 16) or not an appropriate codec that could be used. Either way, now is the time to see those, correct them in LS and restart it until you hone down what's going crazy. Now is when those online grok filter tools come in REAL handy. Keep using the stopes script, correct your logstash filtering, and restart logstash... repeatedly.
- When you've felt you've a) rooted out all the _grokparsefailures (hint, put the pesky, corner-case logs in a catch-all filter so you can move on with life), b) rooted out the dynamic-mapping crap fields, you're ready to pull down the mapping from ES and convert it to the mapping you tell it to pay attention to (which just so happens to be ONLY the filtering your logstash config files are telling it to pay attention to)-
rcctl stop logstash
curl -XGET*/_mapping?pretty > my_mapping.json
cp my_mapping.json my_template.json
That above gets a file for you to edit, this is where you tighten up the fields themselves. You will notice duplicate field entries (remember dst-ip and dst_ip) and you'll have to go back in LS and mutate => rename one of the two to match the other . Then you'll make decision on every field based on what you observed it's data to be and decide whether it's gong to be treated like text, an integer, an ip address, or time/date, etc. (I say etc. but I don't know anymore lol). Doing this is a huge favor not only to you but to the performance of your system. Improperly typed fields are the bane of our existence. For one thing, I could not get geomapping working in Kibana until I set the geoip fields correctly.
- And if you are only doing one category of log sources, then you skip to the end and upload the mapping into ES and restart LS and you're in production!
curl -XPUT http://localhost:9200/_template/logstash-*_template?pretty -d @my_template.json
curl -XDELETE http://localhost:9200/logstash-*?pretty
rcctl -d start logstash
The above pushes the template to ES, clears any existing indices, and then fires up logstash to feed it production docs.
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